One of the things I love most about what I do is watching my little clients grow year after year! I’ve been taking Ariana’s annual portraits since she was two years old, and she just keeps getting cuter! She also seems to luck out every year as her sessions also occur right after I purchase new portrait backdrops, so she’s always the first to try them out. Her favorite this year was the pink one, of course!

Ariana’s 2, 3, and 4 year portraits
As with most of my young clients, I have to get creative to keep their attention long enough to capture a variety of images. With Ariana, I promised we could get some photos of her rocking her Queen Elsa ring (for those of you living under a rock, Elsa is one of the sisters from the Disney movie Frozen). I think it was a good deal, and we ended up with what I believe is our best session yet!